The real power behind the Opposition Leader has spoken: it’s a declaration of war as Muhyiddin has completely ignored the Yang di Pertuan Agong’s wishes that he will not swear in another Prime Minister before his five-year reign ends next January

The real power behind the Parliamentary Opposition Leader has spoken — it’s a declaration of war as the the Bersatu President Muhyiddin Yassin has completely ignored the 16th Yang di Pertuan Agong’s wishes that he will not have to swear in another Prime Minister before his five-year reign ends next January.

Yesterday, I criticised the Opposition Leader Hamzah Zainudin for failing the Agong’s test to ensure political stability for the next five years to allow the country to unite a very polarised plural nation, and to reset and return to the original nation-building principles to become a first-rate world-class nation.

I said that Hamzah failed both the minimum test, to give an undertaking that Anwar Ibrahim would be the last Prime Minister the 16th Yang di Pertuan Agong will swear in before the end of his five-year reign next January, and the maximum test, an undertaking that there would be no change of Prime Minister for the next five years, and that Anwar Ibrahim will be able to serve the full five-year term as the 10th Prime Minister.

Now the reason for Hamzah failing both the minimum and maximum tests is clear — for Muhyiddin’s speech was a declaration of war indicating that he will not be restrained by the Yang di Pertuan Agong’s Royal Address at the Opening of the 15th Parliament on Monday from enacting another Sheraton Move political conspiracy to usher in a “backdoor” Prime Minister again.

In his jingoistic speech, Muhyiddin was confident of the “green wave” phenomenon, echoing Perikantan Nasional (PN) leaders who said PN could capture Selangor state government, and that PN has a 50-50 chance to capture Negeri Sembilan in the state general elections of Penang, Selangor, Negeri Sembilan, Kedah, Kelantan, and Terengganu to be held in June or July this year.

One PN leader even said PN could capture 33 out of 36 state assembly constituencies in Kedah in the upcoming state general election, apart from Kota Darul Aman, Bakar Arang, and Sidam, and that the PN would have a clean sweep of all the seats in Kelantan and Terengganu.

All that is necessary to prove that there is no such thing as an irresistible “green tide” phenomenon to transform Malaysia into a theocratic state is to prove five things:

  1. That PN could not capture the Selangor state government;
  2. That PN could not capture the Negeri Sembilan State government;
  3. That the Pakatan Harapan, and Barisan Nasional coalitions which formed the Anwar unity government could win more than three state assembly seats in Kedah;
  4. Break the PN monopoly of all seats in Kelantan;
  5. Break the PN monopoly of all seats in Terengganu.

It is clear from Muhyiddin’s speech in Parliament yesterday, PN wants the six state general elections to be a mini-Parliamentary election, where an overwhelming PN victory will be the basis for another Sheraton Move political conspiracy to topple Anwar Ibrahim as the 10th Prime Minister.

Muhyiddin wants the 16th Yang di Pertuan Agong to work with five Prime Ministers in five years from 2019 to 2024 but the decision will be in the hands of the voters in six states in their general elections in June or July and not in Muhyiddin’s hands.

Lim Kit Siang DAP Veteran