Let Parliament honour Bapa Malaysia Tunku Abdul Rahman’s 120th birthday today and achieve his aspiration for Malaysia to be “a beacon of light in difficult and distracted world”

Today is the 120th birthday of Bapa Malaysia, Tunku Abdul Rahman.

Let Parliament honour Tunku’s 120th birthday and achieve Tunku’s aspiration for Malaysia to be “a beacon of light in a difficult and distracted world”.

After six decades of nation-building, we have strayed from the nation-building principles of the nation’s founding fathers and instead of becoming “a beacon of light in a difficult and distracted world”, we have become part of the expanding darkness in the world.

After the 15th General Election, the nation has a chance for a reset and return to the original nation-building principles to achieve Tunku’s aspiration for Malaysia to be “a beacon of light in a difficult and distracted world”.

But many things must be put in place for Tunku’s aspiration to be realised.

First, the seven-week Parliament meeting starting on Monday should be the most memorable Parliamentary meeting in Malaysian history in initiating institutional reforms for Malaysia to achieve the twin goals of uniting the plural society in Malaysia and to restore Malaysia as a first-rate world-class nation.

Tunku used to say he was the happiest Prime Minister in the world.

No Prime Minister after him could say he was a happy Prime Minister.

In fact, we have reached a stage in Malaysian history where we have the most people in Malaysia who are unhappy, sparking not only the Malaysian Diaspora to the world but on the eve of producing a second Malaysian Diaspora.

We have now Anwar Ibrahim as the 10th Malaysian Prime Minister and the happiness of Malaysians should be the topmost government priority and not that of cronies and the political class until we have a most dismal report in the latest annual Transparency International Corruption Perception Index 2022.

The seven-week Parliament meeting beginning on Monday will be the most memorable in Malaysian history if the Government and the Opposition can reach agreement to work together on two goals: to unite Malaysians regardless of race, religion, and region and to restore Malaysia as a first-rate world-class nation.

Can the 15th Malaysian Parliament produce this “miracle” to commemorate the 120th birthday of Bapa Malaysia, Tunku Abdul Rahman

Lim Kit Siang DAP Veteran