It is ten weeks that Hadi has not been able to produce an iota of evidence to substantiate his preposterous allegations that DAP is anti-Malay, anti-Islam, communist, and promoting Islamopobia and yet Hadi will not apologise for the allegations

It is ten weeks that PAS President, Hadi Awang has not been able to produce an iota of evidence to substantiate his preposterous allegations that DAP is anti-Malay, anti-Islam, communist, and promoting Islamopobia and yet Hadi will not apologise for his allegations and retract them.

Hadi must be made an example of how irresponsible a political/religious leader can be in making wild, preposterous, and completely baseless allegations of political opponents, a practice which must be stopped in an era where the toxic and divisive politics of lies, falsehoods, and fake news could polarise race and religious relations in a plural society like Malaysia.

Hadi will be haunted every week to substantiate his wild and preposterous allegations against the DAP or he should recant, apologise, and withdraw his preposterous allegations against the DAP.

Hadi had also been seriously remiss in his duties as the Prime Minister’s Special Envoy to the Middle East to two “backdoor” Prime Ministers — Muhyiddin Yassin and Ismail Sabri — when he failed to report to the Organisation of Islamic Conference (OIC) Islamophobia Observatory, which conducts global and daily monitoring of Islamophobia, about Islamophobia in Malaysia.

Is Hadi suggesting that Malaysians who do not vote for PAS candidates in elections were promoting Islamophobia?

Hadi got away in 2018 when he made preposterous allegations against the DAP for being the mastermind to ratify the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD) when the DAP knew nothing about the issue, but Hadi has never apologised for his preposterous allegations against the DAP when he knew the truth.

The ICERD issue in 2018 allowed Hadi to spread lies and falsehoods that DAP was anti-Malay, anti-Islam, and anti-Royalty.

We must not allow Hadi the opportunity to get away with his lies, falsehoods, and toxic politics of racial and religious polarisation a second time, and I will be reminding Malaysians of Hadi’s preposterous lies and falsehoods every week.

Lim Kit Siang DAP Veteran