Is Khairy the only UMNO Minister or leader who dares to disagree with Zahid that it is wrong to hold the 15th General Election during the monsoon and floods season?

Is Khairy Jamaluddin the only UMNO Minister or leader who dares to disagree with Zahid that it is wrong to hold the 15th General Election during the monsoon and floods season?

The Health Minister, Khairy Jamaluddin has said that holding a general election during the monsoon season will not be a wise move.

Speaking at a special interview session today, he listed three main reasons why the country should not have the election around the time it may face floods.

Firstly, by convention, UMNO usually avoid holding an election during floods because of several factors, including safety, health and human resources. A huge number of human resources have to be deployed during the monsoon season to handle the temporary evacuation centres, to evacuate flood victims and to keep the rakyat safe.

Secondly, from the aspect of facilities, many of the evacuation centres would be at schools, which are also usually used as polling centres.

Thirdly, from the public health aspect, floods would usually see the spread of infectious and waterborne diseases, which would require intervention by the Health Ministry, apart from other cases like injuries, flu and fever.

Is Khairy the lone voice among UMNO Ministers or leaders who dare to disagree with Zahid and hold that the 15th General Election should not be held during the monsoon and floods season?

Lim Kit Siang MP for Iskandar Puteri