Malaysia needs a new leader who can lead the country to punch beyond its weight in world affairs but not for the wrong reason as when we became “kleptocracy at its worst” recently

Malaysia has fallen from its expectations on the formation of Malaysia to be a first-rate great world-class nation and has become a second-rate mediocre country after six decades and in danger of becoming a third-rate failed, divided and kleptocratic state on Malaysia Centennial in another four decades.

Malaysia needs a new leader who can lead the country to punch beyond its weight in world affairs but not for the wrong reason, as when we became “kleptocracy at its worst” recently.

Leaders who had been associated with Malaysia’s decline from a first-rate great world-class nation to a second-rate mediocre country for one or two decades should yield place to a new leader with a new vision and commitment to make Malaysia great again.

This is why Anwar Ibrahim is better than others to be the 10th Prime Minister of Malaysia, for the 15th General Election has proved to be the most important and critical general election in Malaysian history as it was the watershed to determine whether Malaysia can become great again in various fields of human endeavour or is to continue in national decline.

Apart from heading the biggest political coalition with the most Members of Parliament elected and winning the biggest electorate with 5.8 million votes, Anwar Ibrahim has the vision and commitment for Malaysia, ranked No. 45 for countries in population size, to once again to punch beyond its weight in world affairs.

Lim Kit Siang DAP Veteran