#kerajaangagal135 – Is Muhyiddin’s “Parliamentitis” – his fear and obsession with Parliament - so overwhelming and overpowering that he is prepared to risk the displeasure of Yang di Pertuan Agong, the Rulers and the Malaysian people not to convene Parliament before August 1, 2021?

Dewan Rakay Deputy Speaker, Mohd Rashid Hasnon, has said that Parliament has adequate facilities to implement a hybrid Dewan Rakyat sitting at any time necessary.

Why then is the Prime Minister, Muhyiddin Yassin suggesting involving the opposition in a committee to study the reconvening of Parliament and also whether it should be done in a hybrid mode - a combination of physical and virtual presence?

Is the Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department (Law and Parliament), Takiyuddin Hassan, remiss and negligent in his ministerial duties in not keeping the Prime Minister informed that Parliament has adequate facilities to implement a hybrid parliamentary proceeding?

The fact that there had been no follow-up action following the Prime Minister’s offer on Sunday raises questions about Takyiyuddin’s performance of his Ministerial duties, but the sincerity of the Prime Minister’s offer.

Be that as it may, the Pakatan Harapan presidential council has said it is prepared to join the committee evaluating the reopening of Parliament, but on condition that this does not lead to any delay in the convening of Parliament before August 1.

What is the Muhyiddin’s response or is Muhyiddin’s “Parliamentitis” – his fear and obsession with Parliament - so overwhelming and overpowering that he is prepared to risk the displeasure of Yang di Pertuan Agong, the Rulers and the Malaysian people not to convene Parliament before August 1, 2021?

It has been pointed out that the 28-day notice normally required for the convening of Parliament can be dispensed with under Standing Orders 9(2)(a) and 11(2).

I can still remember the urgent Parliamentary meeting in January 1979 when MPs were given two days’ notice for an urgent parliamentary meeting as a result of the Privy Council decision in London on Teh Cheng Poh case.

In July 2014, MPs were given three days’ notice to convene a special meeting of the Dewan Rakyat for one day on the tragic downing of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17.

Both the Teh Cheng Poh Privy Council decision and the tragic downing of MH17 airliner are no comparison to the magnitude and enormity of the Covid-19 pandemic, which has caused more Covid-19 cases and fatalities than China, which had 44 times’ Malaysia’s population, and the devastation of the Malaysian economy and society in the past 18 months with no end in sight.

Barisan Nasional MPs have issued a statement that they will not support a motion of no confidence when Parliament is convened.

In a collective statement, Barisan Nasional MPs pledged to uphold the Yang di-Pertuan Agong's decree following a special meeting of Malay Rulers on June 16, where the king stressed the need to reconvene Parliament as soon as possible and to strengthen present steps to tackle Covid-19.

There are also no plans for the Pakatan Harapan to move any no confidence motion against Muhyiddin.

What more is there for Muhyiddin to be afraid of in convening Parliament before August 1.

The Sultan of Johore spoke for all Malaysians when he expressed his sadness that the people are living in hardship, fear and anxiety during the Covid-19 pandemic and his disappointment that until today, the Covid-19 pandemic has yet to be resolved.

I call on Muhyiddin to overcome his “Parlimentitis” and convene Parliament before August 1 which is the clear wish of the Yang di Pertuan Agong and to fulfil the wishes of the Conference of Rulers special meeting on June 16 not to extend the Emergency on August 1.

Lim Kit Siang MP for Iskandar Puteri