DAP MPs prepared to co-operate with Sabah and Sarawak BN MPs to protect integrity and sanctity of Malaysian Constitution and 1963 Malaysia Agreement

The first week of 2017 has been a most bizarre start of the new year from the struggle uphold the integrity and sanctity of the Malaysian Constitution and 1963 Malaysia Agreement to ensure good governance prevail in Sabah and Malaysia

The Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s hint to the first Cabinet meeting of the year on Wednesday that 2017 is going to be an “interesting year” has already been more than fulfilled in the first week of the year.

There was not only a double whammy, but a multitude of whammies, including:

  1. The Malaysian ringgit currency starting the new year with a new record low of RM4.5002 against the US dollar since the 1998 Asian financial crisis, signifying very tough economic year for Malaysians.
  2. The gutting of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) although it was already quite impotent to fighting grand corruption. No “tiger” or “crocodile” had been caught by the MACC, but there seems a “devil’s compact”: that the MACC is given the green light to go after civil servants so long as they leave the politicos and their “favourite” civil servants alone.
  3. The most bizarre happening in the MACC where the Special Operations Division responsible for investigation into the SRC International scandal of the 1MDB scandal was virtually closed down, resulting in the early retirement of the MACC’s most fearsome investigor Bahri Mohd Zin – and the farce of the MACC media unit denying on behalf of Bahri what he had said was the cause of his early retirement and Bahri’s subsequent denial, stating that the MACC media unit had not communicated with him.
  4. The unrelenting international expose of Malaysia as a global kleptocracy because of the international multi-billion dollar 1MDB money-laundering scandal, with the Singapore prosecutors slapping 16 criminal charges against the former local branch manager of Swiss-based Falcon Private Bank AG, Swiss national Jens Sturzenegger – after the conviction and imprisonment of three former bankers in Singapore over 1MDB-related charges last year.
  5. The intensification of the Nazi Gobbels’s-style propaganda offensive of “fake news”, “false stories” and downright lies by UMNO leaders, propagandists and cybertroopers about the Opposition leaders and critics, even to the extent of accusing me that I am cousin to Chin Peng and Lee Kuan Yew, although they could not explain how a Hock Chew Ong (as Chin Peng is the nom de guerre of Ong Boon Hua) from Sitiawan, a Hakka Lee Kuan Yew from Singapore and a Hokkien Lim Kit Siang from Batu Pahat could be related cousins! It must be a very strange Chin Peng-Lee Kuan Yew-Lim Kit Siang family tree.
  6. The failure of courage and conviction of all the 10 non-UMNO Ministers in the 35-strong Najib Cabinet to in the first Cabinet meeting on 4th January 2016 to question and challenge the public claim by two UMNO leaders, the Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department. Datuk Seri Jamil Khir Baharom and the Deputy Minister for International Trade and Industry, Datuk Ahmad Mazlan of a secret UMNO agenda and conspiracy to present a “fait accompli” to the other 13 Barisan Nasional component parties and their Ministers to compel them to vote for Hadi’s private member’s bill motion in the March meeting of Parliament and the support the subsequent BN government takeover of Hadi’s private member’s bill.

The Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, Nancy Shukri has admitted that the Sarawak BN leaders have yet to be briefed on the proposed government takeover of Hadi’s private member’s bill, and the same applies for the other 13 Barisan Nasional component parties, whether MCA, Gerakan or MIC but UMNO leaders have no problems at all that they could force their counterparts in to vote for Hadi’s private bill motion in Parliament in March.

DAP MPs are prepared to co-operate with the 47 Sabah and Sarawak BN MPs to protect integrity and sanctity of Malaysian Constitution and 1963 Malaysia Agreement, and this is why DAP has formulated the Pensiangan Formula as the best way to address the constitutional and political stalemate created by UMNO’s unilateral and arbitrary support for Hadi’s private member’s bill.

The MCA, Gerakan and MIC Ministers do not have the courage or conviction to present the Pensiangan Formula to the first meeting of the Cabinet in 2017, but I hope that the Barisan Nasional Sabah and Sarawak Ministers would have the courage and conviction that the MCA President, Liow Tiong Lai, the Gerakan President Mah Siew Keong and the MIC President Datuk Seri Dr. S. Subramaniam lack.

The Pensiangan Formula comprises two elements, viz:

  • Firstly, no government take over of Hadi’s private member’s bill; and
  • Secondly, the formation of an all-party Parliamentary Select Committee with the overall objective to strengthen inter-religious relations in Malaysia based on the Malaysian Constitution, Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63) and Rukunegara, and with the specific objective to study Hadi’s private member’s motion, and to make recommendations.

This is the time for men and women of conviction and principles to protect and uphold the integrity and sanctity of the Malaysian Constitution and the 1963 Malaysia Agreement by presenting the Pensiangan Formula to the Cabinet for adoption.

If MCA’s Liow, Gerakan’s Mah and MIC’s Subramaniam to do not agree with the Pensiangan Formula, can they explain why and justify their blanket support of UMNO endorsement of Hadi’s private member’s by ensuring the passage in the March meeting of Parliament Hadi’s private member’s bill motion and the takeover of the second reading of Hadi’s private member’s bill in the March meeting of Parliament.

Lim Kit Siang DAP Parliamentary Leader & MP for Gelang Patah