Blog Statement by Lim Kit Siang in Ipoh on Friday, 7th
March 2008: BN panics - Putrajaya 4th-Storey Boys rushed
to Penang with final bag of tricks to stop the wind of change blowing
ever stronger with 60,000 ceramah crowd last night which collected over
RM130,000 in public donations Marking growing panic in the Barisan Nasional at the strong winds of
change rising up in the land, highlighted by last night�s 60,000-strong
DAP ceramah crowd at Han Chiang Chinese School grounds in Penang which
collected over RM130, 000 in public donations, the Putrajaya
Fourth-Storey Boys have rushed up to Penang with their final bag of
dirty tricks to check, counter and reverse the tide of change embracing
Penang and the whole nation in the 12th general election. The twin DAP objectives in the March 8, 2008 general election � to
deny Barisan Nasional two-thirds majority in Parliament and the Penang
State Assembly � seem to be increasingly feasible and within reach, and
this is causing panic in Barisan Nasional circles. Can the Putrajaya 4th-Storey Boys block and reverse the rising wind
of change in Penang and Malaysia? This will be in the form of an interview with the Prime Minister by
The Star Group Editor Datuk Wong Chun Wai and TV3�s Fuad Abdul Rahman in
the Bual Pilihanraya programme at 9 pm. A caretaker Prime Minister has no business to give his final election
campaign message as Barisan Chairman unless similar live-telecast time
is offered to leaders of political parties in the Opposition to
similarly deliver their �final election campaign� messages. Abdullah has started the 12th general election with a lie � when he
solemnly and publicly declared that Parliament will not be dissolved
during the Chinese New Year, only to break the solemn pledge less than
24 hours later. The 12th general election campaign is ending with a blatant affront
to the National Integrity Plan launched by Abdullah in May 2004, where a
caretaker PM and Barisan Chairman is allowed to give eve-of-polling
election message telecast over television channels but denied to the
Opposition leaders. With such contempt to ethics, integrity and morality � with caretaker
Deputy Prime Minister dragooning a government Fokker executive jet for
his campaign purposes to support BN candidates up and down the country,
which is a gross and blatant abuse of power by a caretaker government �
who can ever trust Abdullah in his talk about fighting corruption and
upholding integrity in public life. What is the next trick of Putrajaya 4th-Storey in their unholy
�mission�: to block and break the wind of change blowing strong and hard
in Penang and Malaysia? *
Kit Siang, DAP Parliamentary
Candidate for Ipoh Timor & DAP Central Policy and Strategic
Planning Commission Chairman |