Speech by Lim Kit Siang at a DAP Tawau ceramah
in Tawau on Monday, 21st January 2008: Abdullah should
announce concrete safeguards to assure Sabahans and Malaysians that Sabah
Development Corridor will not end up as a �corridor for mega corruption� in
Sabah Many legitimate questions have been raised about the Sabah Development
Corridor (SDC) to be launched by the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Abdullah
Ahmad Badawi at the Sepanggar Bay container port, 35 km from Kota Kinabalu,
next Tuesday, including: A poster raised a pertinent question on my blog on the SDC when he said
the Barisan Nasional is �simply trying to hoodwink the rakyat into throwing
support for the BN�. He said that declaring a �corridor� would usually mean that such a
�corridor� or region is the focus of intensive development efforts. However
the Sabah Chief Minister, Datuk Seri Musa Aman has announced that the SDC
will cover the whole state of Sabah and not just confined to certain areas �
making nonsense of the �corridor� concept! As this poster asked � �Corridors lead from one room to another. Can your
entire house be all corridors?� However, there is an even greater concern about the SDC, whether it will
just end up as a �corridor for corruption� in Sabah. When Abdullah became Prime Minister four years ago, he pledged to clean
up graft and corruption in the country. This, however, had been one of the
greatest failures of the Abdullah premiership, which is reflected by
Malaysia�s worsening position in the Transparency International Corruption
Perception Index from No. 37 in 2003 to 43 in 2007. Corruption in Malaysia has become more rampant and blatant in the past
four years with Sabah leading all the other states not only in having the
worst poverty rate but also the most serious corruption problem. Instead of a clean-up of corruption in the state, Sabahans talk about a
�Mr. Vaccuum Cleaner� who plunges Sabah into as new dark age in corruption.
When he comes to Sabah next Tuesday, Abdullah should announce concrete
safeguards to assure Sabahans and Malaysians that the SDC will not end up
as a �corridor for mega corruption� in Sabah *
Kit Siang, Parliamentary
Opposition Leader, MP for Ipoh Timur & DAP Central Policy and Strategic
Planning Commission Chairman |