Mahathir should appear before Parliamentary Select Committee on Integrity on the grave and protracted problem of extraordinary increase of foreigners in Sabah becoming Malaysians through fraudulent documentation ______________
(Parliament, Monday) : Former Prime Minister Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad should appear before the Parliamentary Select Committee on Integrity to throw light on the grave and protracted problem of the extraordinary increase of foreigners resulting in their numbers exceeding Sabahans in the state population. This is particularly pertinent in view of persistent allegations that Mahathir had masterminded when he was Prime Minister what had been described as �Project Mahathir False ICs� in Sabah based on the deliberate issuance of Malaysian I/Cs to foreigners based on false statutory declarations under �Project IC� or �Project Mahathir�. One estimate has put the foreigners in Sabah as around 1.75 million, including those in possession of the Project Mahathir ICs, as compared to 1.5 million genuine locals in Sabah. Hundreds of thousands of false ICs are in the hands of foreigners who are proclaiming themselves not only Malaysians but also as Bumiputras with all the privileges and rights of Customary Native Rights in Sabah. It is now public information that in the 1999 certified electoral rolls, through the new IC numbers there were 150,000 Sabah-born registered voters who were born in 1952 through 1960 although according to the Sabah Statistics Department, the State�s population in 1951 was 334,141 and in 1960, 454,421 an increase of 120,000. With an estimated 80 per cent in this group registered as voters, there would only be about 100,000 Sabah-born voters for this period � which would mean that about one-third of voters allegedly born in Sabah between 1952-1960 were foreigners with ICs issued fraudulently with the use of falsified Sijil Akuan under the Project False I/Cs. These are very serious allegations which Mahathir cannot allow to stand in the public domain uncontradicted or unclarified. Mahathir spoke for the first time on the �Project Mahathir� or �Project False ICs� in the third party of his exclusive interview with Malaysiakini on Friday, where he made an outright denial of any knowledge about �Project Mahathir.� This is what Mahathir said in the Malaysiakini interview:
Q. You have
created a situation in Sabah where there are more foreigners than locals.
I will propose at tomorrow�s meeting of the Parliamentary Select Committee on Integrity that Mahathir be invited to give testimony to give first-hand evidence on the serious allegation of a Project False I/Cs which had also been termed as Project Mahathir which was responsible for the fraudulent legalization of hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants by the issue of false documentations, conferring on them voting and citizenship rights. As Mahathir has said that the problem of corruption has worsened under the present administration as compared to his 22-year premiership, this would also be a very pertinent subject for Mahathir to appear and testify before the Parliamentary Select Committee on Integrity. (14/5/2007)
Opposition Leader, MP for Ipoh Timur & DAP Central Policy and Strategic
Planning Commission Chairman |