Culmination of Samy Vellu�s
22-years as Works Minister is unprecedented shame, infamy and dishonour
to him, government, people and nation � shouldn�t be step down from Cabinet? ______________ (Parliament, Tuesday): MIC President Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu confessed yesterday that he is too ashamed to meet people, attend meetings or go overseas as he would be asked about the deplorable state of construction highlighted by the series of government building or public construction mishaps and defects, like collapsing ceilings, cracked walls and internal flooding from burst water or sewerage pipes. Samy Vellu does not seem to realize that he is not the only victim of the recent spate of construction mishaps and defects as they have also brought shame, infamy and dishonour to the government, 26 million Malaysians and the nation with Malaysia becoming the laughing stock in the world as a country which boasts of having the world�s tallest twin towers but yet incapable of building or maintaining safe structures like ceilings, walls, water and sewerage piping. It is sad and pathetic that the culmination of Samy Vellu�s 22 years as Works Minister (his first stint from 1979 to 1989 and second stint from 1995 till now with six years as Minister for Energy, Telecommunications and Posts from 1989 to 1995, totaling close to 28 years as Cabinet Minister) is so shameful and dishonourable, not only for him but also for the government, people and nation. Shouldn�t Samy Vellu step down from the Cabinet to set an example of culture of responsibility for such a dishonourable culmination of his 22 years as Works Minister � failing which, shouldn�t the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi dismiss Samy Vellu as Works Minister to allow Malaysia to turn over a new page? Would there be any Minister who would dare to voice out at the Cabinet meeting tomorrow that Samy Vellu should resign to salvage the honour of the Cabinet, government, people and nation? How many Barisan Nasional MPs would dare to openly support the call for the resignation of Samy Vellu when Parliament reconvenes next Monday? (12/6/2007)
Opposition Leader, MP for Ipoh Timur & DAP Central Policy and Strategic
Planning Commission Chairman |