Is the Prime Minister an
advocate of �close one eye� for �moonlighting� by civil servants � with
Chief Secretary and CUEPACS President taking the contradictory position?
(Parliament, Wednesday): CUEPACS President Omar Osman has reiterated the stand of the Congress of Unions of Employees in the Public and Civil Services before and after the recent RM8 billion public service pay revision that civil servants should immediately stop �moonlighting� and give up part-time jobs to focus 100 per cent on their jobs, as they will be taking home a much larger pay packet. Utusan Malaysia in its report today �Hentikan segera kerja sambilan � CUEPACS�, Omar said CUEPACS takes a serious view of �moonlighting� by civil servants after the RM8 billion pay revision and fully agrees if departments concerned take disciplinary action against civil servants who continue to be obstinate. Admitting that hitherto, the departments concerned had �closed an eye� to �moonlighting� by lower-paid civil servants as their pay were not adequate to meet their needs, Omar said firm action should be taken against those who still hold second jobs as the government had been fair in raising their incomes in the recent salary revision. Omar said: �Melakukan kerja sambilan merupakan satu kesalahan di dalam sector awam dan perkara ini terdapat di dalam akujanji dan peraturan. �Bagi CUEPACS sekiranya perkara ini dibiarkan tanpa ada usaha untuk mencegahnya ia sememangnya boleh menjejaskan productivity.� The time has come for the government to give a clear position on the question of �moonlighting� by civil servants or the RM8 billion salary increase beginning on July 1 will become an expensive farce. The Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi seems to have contradicted both the CUEPACS President and the Chief Secretary, Tan Sri Mohamed Sidek Hassan both of whom have called for an end to �moonlighting� by civil servants after the RM8 billion salary revision. Speaking at the monthly assembly of staff of the Prime Minister�s Department in Putrajaya on Monday, Abdullah seemed to have given official approval to �moonlighting� by civil servants in the lower-pay categories. Do we have situation where the Prime Minister approves of �moonlighting� by civil servants, though from the low-pay categories, while the Chief Secretary and CUEPACS President are opposed? Is Abdullah an advocate of �close one eye� for �moonlighting� by civil servants � with Chief Secretary and CUEPACS President taking the contradictory position? This is a most extraordinary scenario which cannot continue for another day for the sake of the credibility and integrity of the public service and the authority and legitimacy of the Prime Minister. Such an extraordinary contradictory position held by the Prime Minister and the Chief Secretary, which turns the entire civil service into a joke, should be immediately straightened out. (6/6/2007)
Opposition Leader, MP for Ipoh Timur & DAP Central Policy and Strategic
Planning Commission Chairman |