High-profile Altantunya
Shariibuu murder trial starts with a black-eye for the system of justice
(Parliament, Tuesday) : The high-profile Mongolian Altantuya Shaariibuu murder trial started yesterday with a black-eye for the Malaysian system of justice with the last-minute switch of the prosecution team at the opening of the trial yesterday leading to a two-week adjournment until June 18. Twenty-four hours after the sudden turn of events, no responsible or credible explanation is yet forthcoming from the Attorney-General Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail. Gani�s explanation that he initiated the last-minute move to introduce a new prosecution team in order to ensure a �fair trial� to all parties concerned is no explanation at all, unless he could give two further information � firstly, what was wrong with the original prosecution team of DPPs Salehuddin Saidin and Noorin Badaruddin; and secondly, why he took the decision to change the prosecution team only at the eleventh-hour creating an international scene and not earlier when the Shah Alam High Court had fixed hearing for 25 days as far back as March 9, 2007? DPP Tun Abd Majid Tun Hamzah, head of the Attorney-General�s Chambers civil division, who has been instructed to take over the prosecution, cannot be faulted as he had only been assigned to the case �at 5.30 pm on Sunday, while on his way back to Kuala Lumpur from his home town of Kuala Kangsar� but this does not mean that Gani should enjoy immunity from having to act with responsibility and accountability by giving a proper explanation, which he owes not only to the Shah Alam High Court but also to the courts of public opinion, both national and international. The allegation by lawyer Zulkifli Noordin, who discharged himself from representing one of the accused Chief Insp Azilah Hadri, that �there were serious interferences by third parties� in his preparation for the defence and trial �for the purpose of protecting and for the benefit of certain parties� is very grave and should be taken seriously by the relevant authorities as it constitute a travesty of justice. A full and thorough investigation should be conducted to get to the bottom of Zulkifli�s allegation. (5/6/2007)
Opposition Leader, MP for Ipoh Timur & DAP Central Policy and Strategic
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