Malaysians should be more closely interlinked and intertwined to each other regardless of race, language, religion or territory when the nation commemorates 50th National Day anniversary next August
________________ (Parliament, Saturday) : Selamat Hari Raya to all Muslims in Malaysia.
When all Malaysians can join in the celebrations of the diverse religious festivities in the country, it will mark an important stride fowards the national integration process to create the Bangsa Malaysia as envisaged by Vision 2020.
Recent voices discouraging greater inter-religious concord and even calling for a wall to be raised among Malaysians of diverse religions in the country by keeping their religious festivities to themselves are retrogressive and un-Malaysian and must not be given any support.
When Malaysia marks the 50th National Day anniversary next year, Malaysian citizens regardless race, language, religion or territory must be more closely interlinked and intertwined to each other than at any time before in the nation�s history.
Opposition Leader, MP for Ipoh Timur & DAP Central Policy and Strategic
Planning Commission Chairman |