Retraction of Asli report � victory of unreason over reason and major setback for National Mission to create �first class mentality� raising fundamental question whether Vision 2020 to be a fully developed nation is condemned to failure
________________ (Paliament, Wednesday) : The retraction of Centre for Public Policy Studies (CPPS) report �Corporate Equity Distribution: Past Trends and Future Policy� by the Asian Strategy and Leadership Institute (Asli) is a victory of reason over unreason, the triumph of brawn over brain and a major setback for the 15-year National Mission to create �first class mentality�, raising the fundamental question whether Vision 2020 to be a fully developed nation is condemned to failure.
Is the retraction by Asli President, Mirzan Mahathir of the CPPS report the collective stand of all the Asli and CPPS directors and the multi-racial group of scholars and consultants who prepared the report or a personal and unilateral one?
In repudiating the CPPS report, Mirzan has not explained how the methodology of the CPPS report on the 45% bumiputra equity ownership based on the 1,011 companies listed on the Bursa Saham is flawed.
He has also failed to prove that the methodology adopted by the Economic Planning Unit (EPU) using 600,000 companies registered with the Registry of Companies to come out with the official figure of 18.9% bumiputra equity ownership is valid.
A lot of heat has been generated in the controversy, particularly by Umno leaders and heavyweights, throwing no new light whatsoever on the question of ethnic equity ownership in Corporate Malaysia.
The Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi should now intervene to direct the EPU to make public the methodology it had used to arrive at the official figure of 18.9% bumiputra equity ownership in keeping with his commitment of openness, accountability and transparency.
Otherwise, we will have a very sad situation where the Asli report of 45% bumiputra equity ownership would have more credibility in the country than the official 18.9% figure of EPU.
In retracting the CPPS report, is Mirzan saying that Asli has also withdrawn all its seven key recommendations, viz:
Opposition Leader, MP for Ipoh Timur & DAP Central Policy and Strategic
Planning Commission Chairman |