End the "Close-One-Eye" or "Blame Mahathir" Syndromes accept full responsibility for the worsening corruption in the country as well as have public inquiries into scandals of the past, including the RM30 billion Bank Negara foreign exchange speculation scandal
Wednesday) :
It is sad and
shocking that the adverse Transparency International (TI) Corruption
Perception Index (CPI), with Malaysia dropping another five places from
last year or seven places since the takeover of the premiership by
Abdullah in 2003, being placed in the unprecedented low position of 44th
ranking, has not created sufficient alarm whether from the Ministers or
MPs (over 91 per cent of whom come from the Barisan Nasional).
Apart from lip-service concern,
the Barisan Nasional instinct is still basically one of denial syndrome,
except there is a variation into the "Close-One-Eye" syndrome or "Blame Mahathir" syndrome.
Malaysia can never be an example
to other countries in transparency, integrity and good governance unless
there is the political will to end such variations of denial syndrome,
whether ¡�close-one-eye¡� syndrome or ¡�blame Mahathir¡� syndrome. The present
administration must be man enough to accept full responsibility for the
worsening corruption in the country as well as having the political will to
rectify past injustices and exorcise the ghosts of past scandals.
This is why the Abdullah
premiership must seriously consider the re-opening and review of the 1997
judicial crisis which damaged Malaysia¡¯s judicial independence from which we
have not yet recovered.
It is also for this reason why
past scandals must be revisited with open public inquries. During the debate on the Central Bank of Malaysia (Amendment) Bill in July this year, I had called for a full and total disclosure of the RM30 billion Bank Negara foreign exchange (forex) speculation losses as to how these ¡�paper losses¡� had triggered off other mega-financial scandals like the RM1.8 billion MAS-Tajudin privatization scam.
The Parliamentary Secretary to the Finance Ministry, Datuk Seri Dr. Hilmi Yahya in his reply said that the losses from the Bank Negara foreign exchange losses were only RM5.7 billion.
This explanation from Hilmi was most irresponsible and untrue.
This was because a Bank Negara audit into the 1992 Bank Negara accounts alone had found the following:
The Bank
Negara forex scandal is one of the biggest scandals in the history of the
country and the glare of public scrutiny must be brought to bear to bring
out the truth to all Malaysians by way of a full open inquiry. (08/11/2006)
Opposition Leader, MP for Ipoh Timur & DAP Central Policy and Strategic
Planning Commission Chairman |