Call on Abdullah to present a Prime Ministerial statement when Parliament reconvenes on Monday to list out his achievements in his three years as Prime Minister � political, economic, educational, social, national unit, inter-religious understanding, human rights, fight against corruption and an efficient and people-oriented public service
________________ (Parliament, Wednesday) : Bernama reported from Nanning, China yesterday that the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi was surprised when he was reminded at the press conference before departing to Kuala Lumpur that yesterday was the third anniversary of his premiership.
Abdullah said there was much he still had to do.
He said: "Three years is not enough to do work as there are still much to be done. The Ninth Malaysia Plan has just been implemented and several projects under the Eighth Malaysia Plan have not been completed yet."
I do not know how genuine was Abdullah�s surprise when reminded that yesterday was the third anniversary of his premiership. While I agree that �there are still much to be done�, Malaysians are surprised that he has nothing to say as to what he had achieved in his three years as Prime Minister.
In the modern era, political leaders live by yardstick of �the First Hundred Days� when they ascend to the highest office of the land to demonstrate their leadership qualities and the new policies and programmes they want to initiate.
Can it be that after three years or 1,095 days, Abdullah has nothing to say or to show about his premiership, and in particular the differences he had brought to the nation as compared to the previous administration under Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad for 22 years?
Criticisms and attacks from Dr. Mahathir aside, Abdullah should be aware that even his strongest supporters when he became Prime Minister are very frustrated and disillusioned by his failures in the past three years to �walk the talk� and make any significant headway to deliver on his reform pledges to head a clean, incorruptible, efficient, accountable, trustworthy, people-oriented administration which is prepared to hear the truth from the rakyat.
I am very surprised by the Prime Minister�s keynote address at the third China-Asean Business and Investment Summit in Nanning yesterday, where he held up Malaysia�s economic and industrial development plans as the model of openness and transparency for China and other Asean countries to emulate to attract foreign investors.
This might be an appropriate pitch to make two weeks ago, but not after the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (Unctad) World Investment Report 2006 which was released on 16th October 2006 which inter alia stated:
With such a poor FDI showing from the Unctad World Investment Report 2006, Abdullah keynote address for the third China-Asean Business and Investment Summit though drafted more than a fortnight ago had clearly become inappropriate and should have been rewritten.
Clearly, Abdullah needs advisers and speechwriters who are more nimble and agile to latest local and international developments so as not to expose him to avoidable adverse comments and criticisms.
Be that as it may, I call on Abdullah to present a Prime Ministerial statement when Parliament reconvenes on Monday to list out his achievements in his three years as Prime Minister � political, economic, educational, social, national unity, inter-religious understanding, human rights, fight against corruption and an efficient and people-oriented public service.
This Prime Ministerial statement will form the basis for the 24-day committee stage debate on the RM160 billion 2007 Budget � the first budget and action plan to spearhead the implementation of the RM220 billion Ninth Malaysia Plan and the 15-year National Mission towards realizing Vision 2020 � beginning on November 6.
Opposition Leader, MP for Ipoh Timur & DAP Central Policy and Strategic
Planning Commission Chairman |