Sarawak should aim to be the No. 1 in State Assembly reform and modernization in the country by giving official recognition to the position of Opposition Leader and establishment of all-party Select Committees
Media Statement (2) Chan said: �We hear the voice of the people loud and clear. Now we want to know why they made that noise.� If Chan continues to be so haughty and arrogant as to regard the voice of the people as �noise�, Sarawakians cannot expect the SUPP and Barisan Nasional leaders to really accept or respect their views, hopes and aspirations � which would then be the occasion for the people to teach them a second �lesson� in future. With the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi giving so much emphasis to the creation of a �first-class mentality� to pave the way for Malaysia to become a fully developed nation in 2020, the Sarawak State Assembly should be playing a leading role in this process. Sarawak should aim to be the No. One in the country in pioneering State Assembly reform and modernization, such as by giving official recognition to the position of Opposition Leader. DAP Secretary-General Lim Guan Eng has just announced the appointment of DAP Assemblyman for Bukit Assek, Wong Ho Leng as the Sarawak Assembly Opposition Leader. Another �first� for Assembly reform and modernization is the establishment of Assembly Select Committees comprising all-party representatives to make in-depth studies and conduct public consultations and even public hearings of major issues affecting the people in the state, as is now being done in Parliament. The six DAP Sarawak State Assembly representatives have very challenging and exciting tasks ahead of them to make their contributions to transform the Sarawak State Assembly into a vibrant and representative chamber where the voices of the people are often heard and debated, and not just an echo chamber of the Sarawak Chief Minister.
Parliamentary Opposition Leader, MP for Ipoh Timur & DAP
Central Policy and Strategic Planning Commission
Chairman |