The RM4 billion tuition industry is proof of failure of the mainstream education system to perform its basic task to deliver education
Speech on Education Ministry during committee stage debate of Second 2005 Supplementary Estimates
by Lim Kit Siang
During my school days in the fifties, the overwhelming majority of students do not go for tuition, which is confined to a small minority of may be 10% of the students. Today, the situation has been completely reversed, with some 90% of the students going for tuition while it is the small minority who do not go for tuition - to study what they should have been taught within the four walls of the school. Has the Education Ministry addressed this problem to discover why the mainstream education system is such a failure that a parallel tuition education industry has mushroomed to fill the vacuum, costing the parents over RM4 billion a year? Has the Education Ministry any blueprint to rectify the flaws in the mainstream education system so that progressively, there will be less need for students to have to depend on a parallel system of tuition education to learn what they should have been taught in schools, with a time-line for such progressive reduction programme? Or is this completely beyond the ken of our education planners? Raise the standards in SPM examination Last year, 945 SPM candidates scored A1s for all the subjects taken, comprising:
If we take into account SPM candidates who scored As for all their subjects, it would be in the thousands. Questions have been raised whether the SPM and its As are getting easier to pass and get. When thousands of candidates can score all As in SPM every year, the time has come to raise standards so that there is greater worth and premium in top grades achieved in the public examinations. Gifted Children � Acid test of eradication of �third-class mentality� of Education Ministry bureaucrats The Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi spoke of a creating a �first-class mentality� as the pre-condition for achieving the Ninth Malaysia Plan, National Mission and Vision 2020. For this to succeed, the �third-class mentality� prevalent in the public service, including the Education Ministry, must be eradicated. One such example is the
continued neglect of gifted children. More than two decades ago, a
four-year-old boy, Mohd Sohkeri dazzled the nation with his extraordinary
literary feats, as he could among other unexpected things, read newspapers
and magazines.
Parliamentary Opposition Leader, MP for Ipoh Timur & DAP
Central Policy and Strategic Planning Commission
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