Mustapha should haul up Open
University Malaya not only for being poor advertisement for English
proficiency in tertiary institutions but also for its ignorance of
Rukunegara because of its divisive and blatant discrimination of Malaysians
against Malaysians ________________________________
Media Statement The Open University Malaysia (OUM) has put up an online advertisement inviting applicants for its Corporate Secretary Certificate course run by its Institute of Professional Development(IPD). This is available on its website:
On entry requirements, it said:
The programme is:
I read the third condition, in particular the latter reference of �at least one year in the case of Bumiputeras; or, at least 2 years in the case of Non Bumiputeras� a few times and I must confess that I just cannot understand it. May be only OUM �experts� can understand its meaning.
This OUP-IPD advertisement is not the best advertisement of the standard of English of its academic staff or what its students would acquire. A competition could be held on who could uncover the most number of English mistakes in the brief advertisement.
Even more serious than the English mistakes, however, is the discriminatory provision for entry requirements � �Minimum of 12 months working experience in related fields (company secretarial, accounting or general management) for Bumiputera and 18 months experience for Non Bumiputera; at least one year in the case of Bumiputeras; or, at least 2 years in the case of Non Bumiputeras� (whatever the latter means).
Why is the rationale for this unusual discrimination between bumiputras and non-bumiputeras where for �entry requirements� for the course, a minimum of 18 months working experience in related fields is required for non-bumiputeras as compared to 12 months for bumiputeras?
Recently, there has
been a lot of talk about how the principles and the philosophy of Rukun
Negara have been forgotten by the present generation of Malaysians, with
Professor Khoo Kay Kim, described as �one of the architects of Rukunegara�,
lamenting the �lacklustre
achievements in racial unity� as proof that race
How can national unity make headway when educational institutions, in particular tertiary institutions, become hot-beds of discrimination, division and disunity, as in the case of OUM-IPD course and advertisement mentioned.
Many administrators and academicians in tertiary education institutions have lost sight of the Rukunegara philosophy and principles, which see Malaysia�s ethnic and religious diversity as an asset that should be taken advantage of to create an united, just, democratic, liberal and progressive society.
The new Higher Education Minister should ensure that every university administrator and lecturer (including OUM) really understand the Rukunegara philosophy and principles so that universities play their role as active agents promoting national unity, integration and integrity instead of becoming negative forces accentuating ethnic polarization and undermining national unity and integrity in plural Malaysia.
Parliamentary Opposition Leader, MP for Ipoh Timur & DAP
Central Policy and Strategic Planning Commission
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