Call for a motion on vote of confidence in the Prime Minister when Dewan Rakyat reconvenes on June 26 as Parliament is the proper venue for such an expression and not the meeting of UMNO backbenchers at the Internal Security Ministry yesterday
_____________________ At least, the Prime Minister has shaken off the attitude prevalent among Barisan Nasional leaders that there was nothing for the government to reply or that the government had already given all the necessary answers, as typified by the UMNO Youth leader and Education Minister, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein and the former Barisan Nasional Backbenchers Club (BNBBC) Chairman, Datuk Shahrir Samad as reported by yesterday�s Star, �Shahrir: Government doesn't have to answer Dr M�. Yesterday�s meeting organized by the BNBBC �to show undivided support for Abdullah�s leadership, following a scathing attack by Dr. Mahathir on his successor�, however raised three salient questions:
The proper place to express �undivided support� by MPs is Parliament, and after all the facts and explanations had been given and evaluated. For this reason, I call for a motion on vote of confidence in the Prime Minister when Dewan Rakyat reconvenes on June 26 as Parliament is the proper venue for such an expression and not the meeting of UMNO backbenchers at the Internal Security Ministry yesterday. The intervening two weeks before the June 26 meeting of Parliament should be ample time for the relevant ministries to give �in detail� satisfactory explanations to the various issues raised by Mahathir and for MPs to evaluate whether they are acceptable or otherwise. Which Minister will start the ball rolling to answer to the various issues raised by Dr. Mahathir? The most suitable MP to submit the motion on the vote of confidence in the Prime Minister would be the acting chairman of BNBBC, Datuk Raja Ahmad Zainuddin Raja Omar (MP for Larut), as it would be most ludicrous if the UMNO MPs are prepared to declare their undivided support to Abdullah as Prime Minister but not willing to do so in Parliament, the right and proper forum for such an expression. Furthermore, such a motion would give the MPs from the other BN component parties an opportunity to express their stand. The only reservation the BNBBC can have about the wisdom of such a motion of vote of confidence in Parliament is whether there would be unanimity of support from UMNO and BN MPs in the voting � or whether there would be several UMNO and BN MPs who would abstain or find an excuse not to be in Parliament during the voting. DAP MPs will not vote against the motion for a vote of confidence in Abdullah as Prime Minister. The only question is whether DAP MPs will abstain or vote in support � a decision which will have to be taken by a meeting of DAP MPs if there is such a motion.
Parliamentary Opposition Leader, MP for Ipoh Timur & DAP
Central Policy and Strategic Planning Commission
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