Cabinet Reshuffle Imminent? What for IIM when there is no IC?
Media Statement (1) But will it be an Integrity Cabinet? Is Pak Lah prepared to boldly proclaim Integrity as the underlying theme of his new Cabinet? Never before in the nation�s history has so much of the people�s hopes for change been invested in the imminent Cabinet reshuffle. If the new Cabinet, which should be downsized to a lean, nimble and super-efficient one, cannot kick-start the integrity pledge and programme which had been stalled for more than two years, there goes the legacy of Pak Lah as the fifth Prime Minister of Malaysia. For Malaysians would then have little basis to hope that great things on integrity could be expected under the Abdullah premiership, whatever his personal intentions. Abdullah�s �new� Cabinet would not have the traditional �Hundred Days� to prove its credentials and credibility. It must hit the ground running and must produce results in its first month in office. Malaysians have been waiting for the delivery of Abdullah�s pledge and programme of government integrity for more than two years. In the past two years, Abdullah has very little to show in action and results and he had remained the lone voice in Cabinet and government for integrity. No single Cabinet Minister was prepared to give full backing to the Prime Minister by spearheading a ministerial shake-up to convince Malaysians that integrity and reform are not just empty words or slogans. Malaysians will not wait for �A Hundred Days� before withholding judgment on the new Abdullah cabinet. They expect to see actions and results on integrity in the first month of office of the new cabinet itself. The important question Abdullah must bear in mind when deciding on his new Cabinet is � What is the use of having an Integrity Institute of Malaysia (IIM) when there is no Integrity Cabinet (IC)?
Parliamentary Opposition Leader, MP for Ipoh Timur & DAP
Central Policy and Strategic Planning Commission
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