IGP�s belated and grudging
support for 125 recommendations of Royal Police Commission welcome as it
signifies that there Is still hope to create a clean, accountable,
efficient, human rights-sensitive, professional world-class police service ________________________________
Media Statement Speaking at the Air Hitam Police Training Centre (Pulapol) 25th anniversary celebrations in Jempol yesterday, Bakri �sent a message to the force� - failing to put into action proposals of the Royal Commission will be a sign of disrespect to the Government. Bakri said: "If we fail or do not implement the proposals, we will be seen as not showing respect not only to the Royal Commission set up by the Government, but also the Government that had accepted the report." (New Sunday Times) The Inspector-General of Police had been conspicuously silent and even absent from public functions in the past nine months after the submission of the first Dzaiddin Royal Police Commission Report and its 125 recommendations in May last year � giving the impression that he was �sulking� at the Report and giving sustenance to police opposition and resistance to the 125 recommendations, in particular the establishment of the Independent Police Complaints and Misconduct Commission. As the head of the police force, Bakri should have been in the very forefront right from the beginning to openly support the Prime Minister in his major reform plank to create a clean, accountable, efficient, human rights-sensitive, professional world-class police service � instead of being construed as aiding and abetting police opposition and resistance to the Royal Police Commission Report and recommendations which would be a form of insubordination. In his speech yesterday, Bakri publicly endorsed the figure that 80 per cent of the 125 recommendations of the Royal Police Commission had been implemented. I find it very regrettable that the Inspector-General of Police has officially declined to meet DAP Members of Parliament to discuss the Royal Police Commission and its 125 recommendations. I had earlier written to the IGP asking for such a meeting. If it is true that the Police had implemented 80 per cent of the 125 recommendations, it is a feather in the cap for the police and the IGP. Why then should the IGP be so embarrassed or reluctant to have a meeting with MPs to discuss a subject which the police have every reason to be very proud of?
Parliamentary Opposition Leader, MP for Ipoh Timur & DAP
Central Policy and Strategic Planning Commission
Chairman |