Cabinet reshuffle � a great
disappointment ________________________________
Media Statement Only two Ministers, Shafie Salleh and Leo Michael Toyad have been dropped, as of the other two Cabinet personality changes, Kadir Sheikh Fadzir resigned while Adenan Satem stepped down from national politics to prepare to become the next Sarawak Chief Minister. There is no downsizing to reduce the bloated Cabinet created after the March 2004 general election to a decent number proportionate to Malaysia�s population and needs. There is no infusion of new blood to replace the deadwood in the Cabinet. The second Abdullah Cabinet after his landslide 2004 general election victory neither inspires nor motivates Malaysians to excellence, glory and distinction to become towering personalities who can stand tall in the era of globalization to compete and take on the best in the rest of the world. If the previous Cabinet failed so miserably in the past two years to provide Abdullah the necessary support and thrust to implement his reform pledge and programme, how can Abdullah�s second post-election Cabinet make any difference to transform itself to become an Integrity and Reform Cabinet � as they comprise basically the same personalities and philsophies. As for individual Cabinet appointments, it is hoped that Mustapha Mohamad�s appointment as Higher Education Minister will end the blight in tertiary education in Malaysia in the past two years although Zainuddin Maidin�s appointment as Information Minister is a storm signal that hard times await the mass media, press freedom and freedom of information in Malaysia. In fact, Zainuddin�s shock promotion raises the question whether the curtains for Abdullah�s reform pledge and reform are beginning to come down even before the promised reforms have taken off the ground.
Parliamentary Opposition Leader, MP for Ipoh Timur & DAP
Central Policy and Strategic Planning Commission
Chairman |