Attorney-General Gani Patail should give top priority to ensure enabling legislation for IPCMC could be made public before Parliament reconvenes on March 13 for it to be debated and enacted ________________________________
Media Statement Twelve days later in Kepala Batas for a Chinese New Year open house function on 4th February, Abdullah reiterated the government�s commitment to set up the IPCMC, with the front-page headline �PDRM perlu terima � PM � Sebarang keputusan kerajaan berhubung syor tubuh suruhanjaya� in Utusan Malaysia the next day. Although the Prime Minister had asked for patience and the Attorney-General Tan Sri Gani Patail asked the public including the media to give him room to examine all issues concerning legislative changes before any announcement is made, the Attorney-General should give top priority to ensure that enabling legislation for the establishment of the IPCMC could be made public before Parliament reconvenes on March 13, so that it could be debated and enacted at the next parliamentary meeting. This is because the Attorney-General had been studying the draft IPCMC Bill proposed by the Royal Police Commission since June last year when he headed one of the five Cabinet subcommittees on Laws and Procedures set up to study the 125 Police Commission recommendations. As the Police Commission has taken the pains to prepare a draft IPCMC Bill, there can be no excuse why the Attorney-General could not submit a final report on the IPCMC proposal to the Prime Minister in time for enabling legislation to be presented for enactment by Parliament at its next meeting. Government sources have estimated that crime is bleeding the country of billions annually, with losses of RM15.3 billion estimated for 2004, or averaging a loss of RM600 a year to crime for every Malaysian. The creation of a clean, efficient, accountable, professional and world-class police service, which should be one of the primary objectives of the IPCMC, should go a long way to save billions of ringgit lost to crime every year apart from restoring to Malaysians the fundamental right to freedom from crime and to be free from the fear of crime. The establishment of the IPCMC is to protect the good name, image and integrity of good and conscientious police officers who are in the majority so that the tiny minority of the �black sheep� in the police force are exposed and not allowed to continue to tarnish police reputation and undermine public confidence. Malaysians who want a world-class police service must not remain apathetic to mounting pressures to nullify the Prime Minister�s commitment to set up the IPCMC, not only from some quarters in the police force, but also in ruling political circles now that such opposition has found a champion in the UMNO Youth leader Datuk Seri Hishammuddin and UMNO Youth. It is most regrettable that at the Barisan Nasional Youth meeting yesterday, the other Barisan Nasional party youth wings did not dissociate themselves from the UMNO youth opposition to the establishment of the IPCMC. Does this mean that the MCA Youth, Gerakan Youth, MIC Youth as well as the youth wings of the other Barisan Nasional parties are tacitly in support of UMNO Youths� rejection of the IPCMC proposal? Are they aware that the rejection of the IPCMC will make a complete mockery of the two Police Royal Commissions established to create a clean, accountable, efficient, professional and world-class police service as this proposal is the most important recommendation of the two commissions?
Parliamentary Opposition Leader, MP for Ipoh Timur & DAP
Central Policy and Strategic Planning Commission
Chairman |