Call on Hishammuddin and UMNO Youth to review and revoke opposition to IPCMC and to give full support to Abdullah in reform pledge and programme ________________________________
Media Statement This follows the statement by the UMNO Youth Information Chief Azimi Daim published in Malaysiakini yesterday confirming that UMNO Youth had its exco meeting on Monday chaired by Hishammuddin rejected the IPCMC as existing mechanisms were sufficient in dealing with such issues. Hishammuddin and UMNO Youth�s stand is most regrettable for at least four reasons:
There is a question uppermost in Malaysian minds � Why Hishammuddin is allowed to publicly challenge Abdullah on the establishment of IPCMC when a recent memorandum to the Prime Minister by nine Ministers was denounced as subversion of the Cabinet principle of collective responsibility as well as threat and challenge to Prime Ministerial authority? The trespass of one Cabinet Minister into the territory of another Cabinet member is also quite unprecedented � especially when the other Ministry is helmed by none other than the Prime Minister himself. Would Hishammuddin take kindly to a public stand by another Cabinet member which is critical or even opposed to a position which he had taken as Education Minister? Just as the Royal Commission to Enhance the Operation and Management of the Royal Malaysian Police had proposed the establishment of the IPCMC with the noblest of objectives because it would have the most catalytic effect in restoring public confidence in the PDRM as a clean, efficient, accountable, professional world-class police service, similarly the bona fides of Malaysians who support this key proposal of the Royal Commission because they want to see a highly-respected police force both nationally and internationally should not be doubted. Malaysia will not be the first country to have an external oversight body for police misconduct, corruption and criminality as it had been introduced in other countries like the United Kingdom, Australia and Hong Kong resulting in greater public confidence in the police force in the country concerned. What basis is there for Hishammuddin and UMNO Youth to contend that unlike other countries, the establishment of an IPCMC would lead to a more demoralized and inefficient police force? If such an argument holds water, then there should be more curbs on an already ineffective Anti-Corruption Agency, as anti-corruption campaigns in the public sector would lead to a demoralized and inefficient civil service � a notion that is totally opposed to the spirit and philosophy of Abdullah�s reform pledge and programme to head an administration which is clean, accountable, transparent, trustworthy, efficient and people-oriented. Hishammuddin and UMNO Youth should review and revoke their opposition to the IPCMC and instead give full support to Abdullah in his reform pledge and programme to implement the recommendations of the Royal Police Commission, in particular the establishment of the IPCMC.
Parliamentary Opposition Leader, MP for Ipoh Timur & DAP
Central Policy and Strategic Planning Commission
Chairman |