Hashim Yaacob should resign as
UM Vice Chancellor for his �I am not worried� statement over UM�s 80-place
drop in World�s Top 200 Universities or sacked for his �tunnel vision� for
the nation�s premier university
________________________________ Media Statement (2)
by Lim Kit Siang Hashim told The Star: �I am not worried because we are still within the top 200 and for the first time a Malaysian university has broken into the top 50 in the arts and humanities and the top 100 in the social sciences.� From Hashim�s reaction, it would appear that there was nothing wrong whatsoever with the University of Malaya � and that the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi was completely misguided and misinformed to be �very sad� at University of Malaya�s slide in the rankings. Abdullah had expressed the hope that the University of Malaya will take the necessary action to rectify the drastic drop in its ranking among the world�s top 200 universities, but from Hashim�s response, clearly there is nothing to �rectify� as he is quite proud of the 169th placing of the University of Malaya. If Hashim has his way, he would probably be organizing another series of university celebrations for the THES World University Ranking 2005. It is most shocking and completely unacceptable that the Vice Chancellor of University of Malaya is the very picture of smug complacency when he should be the most distressed and ashamed person in the country over the university�s drastic drop of 80 places in the 2005 Ranking. Until the seventies, there was no doubt that the University of Malaya was the equal if not superior to universities like Melbourne University, Sydney University, Hong Kong University, and it is a shame to University of Malaya and a national dishonour that the Vice Chancellor of University of Malaya finds it nothing wrong for the university to be regarded internationally to be trailing behind universities like Queensland University, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Macquairie University, Adelaide University, University of Western Australia, RMIT University, University of Technology Sydney, La Trobe University, Curtin University of Technology, Queensland University of Technology, Chulalongkorn University, University of Newcastle, University of South Australia and Tasmania University. Hashim deserves to be sacked as Vice Chancellor of the premier university of the nation for possessing such �tunnel vision�, completely unfitting a nation committed to the maintenance of �towering institutions� to create �towering personalities�!
Parliamentary Opposition Leader, MP for Ipoh Timur & DAP
Central Policy and Strategic Planning Commission
Chairman |