Challenge to Ministers to
individually present a two-year report of what each had done or achieved on
the anti-corruption front in their respective Ministries before Parliament
adjourns on Dec. 8
________________________________ Media Statement
by Lim Kit Siang
Refuting my statement that the Prime Minister was alone and isolated in his commitment to fight corruption and uphold national integrity, Radzi said all ministers have initiated or participated actively in programmes organised at the ministerial level to promote good governance, enhance integrity and check malpractices. If a national poll is conducted among Malaysians whether ministers are supporting the Prime Minister in making the battle against corruption the priority agenda of the present administration and that the Ministers are leading the national integrity campaign in their respective ministries, I have no doubt that the answer to both questions would an unanimous and thunderous �no�. I challenge every Minister to make public his/her record in the past two years of the Abdullah premiership of what had been done or achieved on the anti-corruption front in the respective ministry, and I will not be surprised that the majority of Ministers would have very little to report. I challenge Radzi to submit in Cabinet tomorrow the proposal requiring every Minister to individually present a two-year report of what each had done or achieved on the anti-corruption front in their respective Ministries before Parliament adjourns on Dec. 8.
I am sure there is no possibility such a proposal would be accepted by the Minister for the simple reason that the overwhelming majority of Ministers would fail this test.
It is clear that Radzi is quite half-hearted in refuting my statement that Abdullah is very alone with little tangible and visible support from the rest of his Cabinet to fight corruption as the centerpiece of the present administration, or Radzi would not have taken two weeks before trying to respond to my statement. I am not interested in a war of words with Radzi as I am more concerned that Abdullah should be supported, truly and visibly, by his Cabinet Ministers in the campaign to create a new culture of political integrity with zero tolerance for corruption. Ministers who are lukewarm, and seen and known to the Malaysian public as unenthusiastic in the war against corruption, should be dropped immediately from the Cabinet to pave the way for a total Ministerial revamp and reshuffle. The Opposition is prepared to give Abdullah full co-operation and support in the war against corruption, and Malaysians want to know whether Cabinet Ministers are prepared to show greater enthusiasm and commitment to support the Prime Minister in the fight against corruption by making a Cabinet policy decision tomorrow requiring every Minister to spearhead the national integrity drive in their respective ministries.
Parliamentary Opposition Leader, MP for Ipoh Timur & DAP
Central Policy and Strategic Planning Commission
Chairman |