must be mindful of the principle of collective responsibility and
speak up in Cabinet next
Wednesday on
Malaysia�s prolonged and worsening crisis
of higher education highlighted by 2005 World Top 200 Universities Ranking
________________________________ Media Statement
by Lim Kit Siang
I hope there will be more than a
couple of Ministers who have sufficient love for the nation and conscious of
the fundamental principle of collective ministerial responsibility to speak
up at the Cabinet meeting to reflect the almost unanimous non-partisan views
of academicians, students and the civil society that neither Universiti
Malaya nor the country can afford to have a Vice Chancellor who had reacted
with unabashed glee to the international �fall from grace� of UM. The Cabinet next Wednesday should
be the first official forum to censure the UM Vice Chancellor Professor
Datuk Dr. Hashim Yaacob for his public pronouncement that he is not only �not worried� but feels
�great happiness� at
the THES World University Ranking 2005 for UM. When
the UM VC is �not worried� and even feels �great happiness� at the
80-place drop of the nation�s premier university in the Top 200
Universities ranking, then it
is time for the Cabinet, Parliament and the country to be �very worried�
and very unhappy at having a
completely unfit, unsuitable and even unqualified person to lead UM. The
Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi had declared in the past
two years that CEOs of GLCs (government-linked companies) and heads of
government corporations and institutions are required to operate under a new
performance-based culture and milieu and to
be regularly benchmarked
against key performance indicators (KPI). The
VCs of the public universities in the country should be no exception of
being required to operate in a performance-based environment
There is no doubt that under any performance-based test, however low
the pass mark, Hashim would have failed miserably
any PKI examination. In
fact, if Hashim had been a CEO of a GLC in a truly performance-based
culture, he would have been sacked long ago! If
Cabinet next Wednesday is not prepared to perform the national service to
end the rot in excellence, quality and standards in the public universities,
then Parliament must address this issue as a matter of foremost priority
when it reconvenes on November 14 as higher education excellence and
quality hold the key to Malaysia�s prosperity and success to achieve
Vision 2020 to become a fully-developed nation in the era of
knowledge-economy, information society and globalization.
Parliamentary Opposition Leader, MP for Ipoh Timur & DAP
Central Policy and Strategic Planning Commission
Chairman |