Call for immediate suspension of Hashim Yaacob as Vice Chancellor of University of Malaya as his �I am not worried� and �great happiness� statements over the 80-place plunge of UM to 169th place are proof that he is totally unfit and unqualified to helm the nation�s premier university
________________________________ Media Statement
by Lim Kit Siang
Two days earlier, he had made the infamous statement that he was �not worried� by UM�s 80-place fall as it is still within the top 200 universities � which must have made all Malaysians concerned about the future of higher education, from the ordinary citizen to the highest policy-making circles including the Prime Minister, very worried indeed! There might still be hope for UM under Hashim if the VC is worried about the 2005 Universities Ranking, which will presage a new strategy to restore UM�s academic quality and standards, but if he is �not worried� at all, and even worse, suffused with �great happiness� at the 80-place fall, losing for the first time to Thailand�s Chulalonkorn University, then UM is a condemned case under him. If Hashim is allowed to get away with such a towering height of indifference, insensitivity and irresponsibility by the Ministry of Higher Education, then it spells disaster not only for UM but also for all public universities in the country. I call for the immediate suspension of Hashim as UM Vice Chancellor as his �I am not worried� and �great happiness� statements over the 80-place plunge of UM to 169th place are ample proof that he is totally unfit and unqualified to helm the nation�s premier university particularly at its moment of deepest crisis and despondency over excellence, quality and standards. Hashim has become a shame to UM and an international liability in the quest for world competitiveness especially in facing the challenge of the globalization of higher education. As Higher Education Minister, Datuk Dr. Shafie Salleh must demonstrate leadership at this critical juncture of the University of Malaya and public universities in the country. Either he dissociates himself from Hashim�s outrageous complacency by suspending him or he must bear full responsibility for Hashim�s failures as UM Vice Chancellor and disastrous plunge of the nation�s premier nation in international rankings.
Parliamentary Opposition Leader, MP for Ipoh Timur & DAP
Central Policy and Strategic Planning Commission
Chairman |