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Media Statement by Lim Kit Siang in Petaling Jaya on Sunday, 13th December 2009: 


Najib should come out with clear-cut statement that 1Malaysia does not mean “Ketuanan Melayu” or “Malay supremacy” and declare that all Malaysians whether Malay, Chinese, Indian, Orang Asli, Kadazan or Iban are all co-owners of Malaysia

The Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak has directed all his ministers to end the polemics on the divisive, racist and seditious Biro Tata Negara (BTN) courses.

He said he himself would evaluate BTN's training modules and arrive at a decision on them later.

Shouldn’t the decision on the divisive, racist and seditious BTN indoctrination course be the collective decision of the Barisan Nasional leadership rather than the decision of one man, even if he is the Prime Minister?

This demonstrates an exacerbation of an already very unhealthy, undemocratic and dangerous concentration of power in the hands of the Prime Minister at the expense of the collective decision of the Cabinet and the Barisan Nasional parties.

Even putting aside for the moment the issue of the divisive, racist and seditious BTN indoctrination course which engenders racial hatred and illwill totally inimical to the nation-building objective to foster national unity and Malaysian consciousness, the issue of what Najib’s 1Malaysia really means cannot be evaded any longer.

It is a great national disservice on the part of Barisan Nasional Ministers, whether from UMNO, MCA, Gerakan, MIC, or from Sarawak and Sabah, that they continue to allow the racist doctrine of “ketuanan Melayu” or “Malay supremacy” to be disseminated.

Najib should come out with clear-cut statement that 1Malaysia does not mean “Ketuanan Melayu” or “Malay supremacy” and declare that all Malaysians whether Malay, Chinese, Indian, Orang Asli, Kadazan or Iban are all co-owners of Malaysia without any differentiation of the ethnic groups into first-class, second-class or third-class citizens.

It is not only shocking but most outrageous that Ministers from MCA, Gerakan, MIC, Sarawak and Sabah continue to condone the passing of “ketuanan Melayu” or “Malay supremacy” as part of Barisan Nasional philosophy and doctrine, with the accompanying messages of hate and intolerance such as describing the Chinese in Malaysia as the Jews in Asia, non-Malays as “orang tumpang” and rational and thinking Malays who reject such a racist doctrine as “traitors of the Malay race”.

Najib, the Cabinet and all Barisan Nasional parties and leaders should stop avoiding the issue but should forthwith take a clear-cut stand that 1Malaysia stands clearly for the concept that all Malaysians, regardless of ethnicity or region, are all co-owners of Malaysia.

*Lim Kit Siang, DAP Parliamentary leader & MP for Ipoh Timor



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