Centre for Democracy, Justice and Integrity being formed to carry on the
ideals and principles for which Patto dedicated the prime of his life for
over two decades
Media Conference Statement (2) by Lim Kit Siang (Perak, Monday): I intimated on Sunday at the 10th anniversary memorial meeting for P. Patto, a great political leader and parliamentarian, that plans are well advanced to establish the Patto Centre for Democracy, Justice and Integrity to carry on Patto’s ideals and principles for which he had dedicated the prime of his life for over two decades. This Centre is not formed by the DAP but by his friends and admirers both inside and outside the DAP, as it is an initiative which transcends partisan politics and goes beyond politics, bonded by the appreciation of Patto’s convictions and sacrifices as well as belief that the best way to remember Patto is to continue his lifework in the areas which had been closest to his heart – the great issues of democracy, justice and integrity. The relentless marginalization of the Indians into a new underclass in Malaysia in the past quarter of century – shockingly highlighted by the over-representation of Indians in the Simpang Rengam detention centre where 48 per cent of the detainees incarcerated for suspected criminal activities are Indians who comprise eight per cent of the Malaysian population – would have been high on Patto’s agenda. This will not be his only priority as his concerns is not confined to any one community, but covers the national, global and universal issues of democracy, justice and integrity. As a victim of the Internal Security Act during Operation Lalang in 1987-1988, Patto experienced first-hand the iniquities of oppressive and undemocratic laws. As victim of the Official Secrets Act when he was prosecuted in court in 1978 as editor of Rocket, the DAP journal, Patto also had first-hand experience of legislation which stifle and suffocate the freedom of expression and the right to information, as well trample on the principles of accountability, transparency and good governance. The Patto Centre for Democracy, Justice and Integrity will promote the passions of Patto for democracy, justice and integrity through various activities including conferences, publications and research.
Parliamentary Opposition Leader, MP for Ipoh Timur & DAP
Central Policy and Strategic Planning Commission
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