V. David
was a giant of a warrior for justice and freedom on the political and labour
scene for the oppressed and the underdog for close to half a century
Media Statement (Parliament, Monday): Malaysia has lost a great Malaysian son with the passing of V . David, 73, five-term Member of Parliament (three terms as DAP MP) and former Malaysian Trades Union Congress (MTUC) Secretary-General. David was a giant of a warrior for justice and freedom on the political and labour scene for the oppressed and the underdog for close for half a century. He started his national service both in politics and trade unions at a very young age, elected as Kuala Lumpur Municipal Councillor when he was 22 and first time as Member of Parliament for Bangsar at the age of 27.
I have known David for close to four decades. He was detained like me and other DAP MPs/leaders like Karpal Singh, the late P. Patto, Lim Guan Eng, Dr. Tan Seng Giaw and Lau Dak Kee, under the draconian Internal Security Act during the Operation Lalang crackdown in October 1987, but such oppression could not break his spirits.
David’s death is a great loss to the nation and the Malaysian people, leaving a big gap in the national political and trade union movement which would be difficult for anyone to fill. The nation should commemorate David’s great services to the country and people for the past half century in a meaningful manner.
I wish to send my deepest condolences to his wife Sivapakiam and his son Norman.