Five questions on the incompatibility of the PAS Islamic State blueprint with democracy, human rights, women rights and pluralismSpeech - at the Perak DAP State Dinner by Lim Kit Siang (Ipoh, Sunday): The PAS’ Islamic State blueprint, the Islamic State Document, released by the PAS President, Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang on Wednesday, is highly objectionable on four important grounds:
I have tonight five questions on the incompatibility of the PAS Islamic State blueprint with democracy, human rights, women rights and pluralism and seek clarification from Hadi and the PAS leadership. Firstly, how can Hadi deny that the Islamic State envisioned by PAS is a theocratic state when the PAS Islamic State blueprint makes it clear that the Federal Constitution would become an Islamic Constitution by removing Article 4 that the Merdeka Constitution is the supreme law of the Federation with a new provision stipulating that syariah law is the supreme law of the country? A theocracy has two definitions – that it is a government ruled by a priestly order or by divine guidance. PAS’ Islamic State blueprint fits one if not both definitions of a theocracy. Secondly, although the PAS Islamic State blueprint maintains the current division of the legislative process namely the Dewan Rakyat and Dewan Negara, it would be a completely different division – as Parliament would not be the highest and the most supreme legislative chamber to enact laws (whatever its present limitations), but would be subject to another authority with the power to decide on the validity of its enactment based on syariah law. One example that comes to mind is the Iranian President and Parliament, where the former is both head of state and opposition leader where supreme power are in the hands of the mullahs while the latter is impotent with many of its enactments struck down by the highest religious authorities in the state. This is not compatible with democracy or parliamentary democracy. Thirdly, the PAS Islamic State blueprint said: “The freedom and rights of the citizens especially enjoined by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UNHR) are not only enjoyed but are also protected by the Islamic State. It must not however contravene the provision of the Shari’ah”. This proviso is meaningless unless the UDHR is regarded as having contravened the syariah law, and if so, the blueprint is less than honest and truthful in not specifying what are the freedoms and rights in the UNHR which are unacceptable to the PAS Islamic State concept. The blueprint also states under “Policy on Women”:”To encourage healthy competition of women alongside men within the limits of the Shari’ah”. What are these limits? Fourthly, PAS should explain the difference in the Bahasa Malaysia and English versions of the speech by Hadi when launching the PAS Islamic State blueprint. In outlining a 10-point guarantee on freedoms and rights in the PAS Islamic State, the sixth point cited by Hadi was “Bahawa tidak akan berlaku pendiskrimininasian mengikut kaum, keturunan dan jantina. Sebaliknya Negara Islam mengutamakan amalan meritokrasi.” The English translation, both texts of which are available on Harakah online, gives a different message: “6. That there will not be discrimination based on religious, racial and gender. Opportunities and entitlement will be merit and principle-based.” The guarantee in the English text that there shall be no discrimination based on religion is completely absent in the Bahasa Malaysia text – highlighting the new dichotomy that will be created under the PAS Islamic State, the discrimination against citizens on grounds of religion as barring non-Muslims from high political and judicial office, such as the Prime Minister and Chief Justice. Fifthly, in the last paragraph of his speech, Hadi said: “Parti Islam Se-Malaysia bersama rakan kongsi dalam gagasan BA setiap masa dan ketika akan menentukan bahawa pelaksanaan negara Islam ini tidak sama sekali akan meminggirkan mana-mana pihak. Harapan saya agar rakyat Malaysia bersama-sama dengan PAS dan teman-teman dalam BA untuk menunaikan satu kewajipan yang telah diletakkan di atas pundak kita sejak dari alam azali lagi. “ This is completely different from the English translation, which reads: “It is our conviction that we will enjoy your good audience and positive response despite the massive onslaught of our enemies to see us vilified and painted us in the worst of colour and prejudices. I thank you again for all your support and patience.” While we await for answers and clarification from PAS as well as BA, in view of Hadi’s commitment on behalf of BA on “pelaksanaan Negara Islam”, it is most regrettable that the PAS Islamic State document has confirmed that the Political Islam of PAS is incompatible with democracy, pluralism, human rights, women’s rights, cultural diversity and modernity. (16/11/2003) * Lim Kit Siang, DAP National Chairman |